In this meeting we will learn about visible and invisible culture as well as have an intercultural communication experience.
This is our Agenda:
1. Discussion <<20>>
a) "By nature people are nearly alike, by practice they got to be far apart."
Group Answers:
1) "All the people must be the same but in reality they are very different"
2) "People are the same but they change by a different environment"
3) "For example, people who live in the USA and people who live in Japan are the same but people who live in Ausralia and people who live in Africa are different based on their clothes etc. In other words, people are the same but they differ by food, clothes, house, hair color."
4)"When we were born we did not know anything and we were the same but we experienced different things which made us as individuals."
5) "When we were born we were almost the same but we grow up to be a totally different person depending on the country and environment. So this phrase means that our essential is the same so we can understand eachother."
b) "We go ice skating" ** We might do this in the next meeting.
2. JH will talk about culture <<20>>
3. Intercultural Role Play: the Martians meet the Earthlings <<40>>
For next meeting:
Reflect on your "Martians meet the Earthlings" experience. Were you an earthling or a martian? Did you get along well with members of the other group? What was your impression of them? Did this experience teach you anything about intercultural communication? Why or why not?