
Meetings 10 & 11 Report on Global Issues Mini Conference

On June 18 and June 25 we held our Global Issues mini-conference during MMCE. MMCE groups reported to each other about the following Global Issues:

<<To MMCE Members>> I am late in publishing this post but it is not too late to write your reflections about the Global Issues Mini Conference. Please write your reflections as a comment to this post.

1) Garbage
2) Global warming
3) Treatement of women
4) Treatement of children
5) The gap between the rich and poor

There were a total of 5 groups of 5 members each. Each group focused on a global issue. On the day of the discussion, we mixed the groups so that each member of a new group represented a different global issue. One by one each person presented about their issue and then held a small discussion. You can see the format of the presentations in the previous post.

After the presentations were over, the original groups reconvened and discussed

1) What about their presentations surprised people.
2) What were some suggestions given to solve the problem that they presented about.

Below is each group's record for 1) and 2).

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