I Review
1. Values and Power distance
Our definition:For the people in large power distance societies there is a far distance( inequality)between members of a group. It is natural.
II Values (20 minutes)
2. Individualism
3. Masculinity
Should fighting among kinds be tolerated?
4. Uncertainty Avoidance
Can teachers say, “I don’t know”?
Value identification exercises:
What value dimensions do you see in "Maybe we go ice skating"?
Uncertainty avoidance: The Japanese girls did not want to go ice skating, because they had never skated.
Collectivisim: The Japanese girls did not say their own opinions by themselves.
Masculinity(+): The Dutch students are assertive but the Japanese girls are not assertive.
"Top Gun"
Individualism: He is 一匹狼
Masculinity: He is assertive because he is aggressive towards his favorite girl.
III Explanation of Breaking Down National Stereotypes Discussion
MMCE Invitation
Excel File
Directions on how to do the survey
IV Preparation for next meeting:
1. Invite your guest to the MMCE discussion (MMCE Guest Invitation)
2. Go to the >CIA World Factbook
As a group find out the following information for your country. Be prepared to report your information in the next meeting:
Area: (How much bigger is the area than Japan?)
Natural Resources:
Current environmental issues:
Age Structure
Infant Mortality rate
Life expectancy
Ethnic groups
Country Name (conventional long form)
Government type
GDP per capita
Population below poverty line
3. Go to this site and take a geography quiz of your region. Be prepared for a geography challenge for the next MMCE.
1 件のコメント:
I couldn't answer the question of Mexico. It didn't work.